Thursday, May 15, 2008

The BIG (or little) idea...


The idea is to have a small 300 foot square foot building that can be comfortably staffed year around so that visitors have a place to go to get information about the county. The building would have enough room for one volunteer staff member (and most likely a ADA public bathroom), a counter where information could be obtained - as well as brochure racks to hold all the information that may be useful to a visitor. The volunteer would have access to a computer and telephone.


Since Hudson is the largest city in the county, a tourist destination and the county seat, it is proposed that our first visitors' center be constructed in Hudson. Several viable locations within Hudson would be well suited to the visitor. Some locations that have been considered is the 7th Street Park near the St. Charles Hotel and down by the river near the Amtrak station. Store fronts on Warren Street have been eliminated as the cost would be prohibitive in light of the current size of the tourism industry in the county.


Generally, the architect fees, building materials and construction would be covered via fund raising activities. A small portion of the expense may be incurred by municipal funds if a public bathroom is constructed, and a small amount from state funding. But the project would be mostly raised by the business community that has a stake in it's success.


The Department of Tourism for Columbia County would assume most of the costs associated with running the visitors' center. The bulk of the expense would be for a staffing coordinator that would work 3 to 4 days a week. As volunteers signed up and were trained, costs might be expected to decrease. Maintenance of the building would be negotiated between the County and the City of Hudson. Currently utility costs for the gazebo (the summer information booth) is covered by the city of Hudson. We hope that would continue. Most ongoing costs would be minimal and we believe that could be built into the annual tourism budget should the visitors' center become a reality.

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